Laser Treatment
of Facial Veins

Cosmetic Services

How does the laser treatment work?

Our GentleYAG® laser emits a specialized light that passes through the skin and preferentially heats up the targeted blood vessels and closes them up. A burst of cooling gas (DCD) will protect the upper layer of your skin to minimize any side effects.

If you are bothered by noticeable veins on your face, a simple laser treatment may be what you need.

Specialist Skin Clinic provides lasers that gently yet effectively lightens these veins. Call +65 6734 1411 to enquire today.

What can I expect during the procedure?

The treatment feels like a rubber band snapping accompanied by a burst of cooling gas. Anesthetic cream is usually applied before the procedure to numb the treatment area. Any discomfort can be eased with the application of cold compresses afterwards.

How can I prepare for treatment?

If you have a history of cold sores, please notify your Singapore dermatologist. Excessive sun exposure should be avoided 1 -2 weeks before and after treatment.

What can I expect after treatment?

The treated veins will become less obvious after 1 -2 weeks. Side effects are few and may include redness, swelling, blistering and bruise in the treated area - these usually do not last more than few days. Permanent side effects are rare. However be sure to consult your doctor when in doubt.

Our Dermatologists
Our team of dermatologists with a combined experience of more than 60 years provides a complete range of professional dermatological services to manage all varieties of skin problems affecting the skin, hair and nails and also sexually transmitted infections. They are equally adept at performing skin surgery and laser procedures.